Saturday, July 12, 2008

Faith Like a Child? (Philosophy)

Questioning authority seems to be a rather 'in' thing these days. It seems wise and funky to doubt, second-guess people or even challenge their knowledge.

Rarely, do we ever point the gun to our own head. If what we are doing selfish? Does it glorify ourselves at the expenese of others?

Furthermore, there is a time and place to question authority. For instance, it is just plain wrong to do it in the middle of an emergency!

Now, I'm not saying that question is bad, I'm just saying that more often than not, it is done at the wrong time, and we should first look at the mirror before we judge.

Sometimes, especially to those who loves us, we should not ask why, because we simply trust them, and that's all we need to know.

the 198

The Alternative: Not fearing to ask 'why?'

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