Thursday, June 04, 2009

Christian Couple found guilty (Local News)

A Christian man (Ong Kian Cheong), and his wife (Dorothy Chan Hien Leng) were found guilty of distributing seditious materials to Muslims, on 29 May, and will be setenced on 4 June.

The material contains material from Jack Chick, a fundamentalist Christian, and is well-known for anti-Catholic, anti-evolution, anti-Islam and anti-Mormon publications. Hence the couple was charged as they were stirring religious tensions.

What a marred name Christianity has in Singapore-- first AWARE, then this. What needs to come next?

Ben Tan

The Alternative: Watching and Waiting

Monday, June 01, 2009

X-Men Origins: Wolverine Review (Entertainment news)

Did the highly anticipated Wolverine movie meet expectations?

Well, in my opinion, no. It felt that the movie was a whole rush of scenes, without being able to spend significant time on anyone to develope a sense of meaning or purpose. Other than Wolverine, few characters are developed. Even I, a shallow person, felt cheated about the background to Wolverine. I also felt he had something more deeper than him.

However, it was a decent film throughout. Real praise goes to the starting few scenes of the film, and to the fight scene between Weapon XI and Wolverine with Sabretooth



The Alternative: We expect more.