Friday, July 18, 2008

The Dark Knight Review (Entertainment)

A question on movie-goers' minds is how does the new Batman film hold up?
In two words-- IT ROCKS. It takes you in an emotional rollercoaster, one of those few movies where the commoners are the heroes. The plot twist caught most by surprise, and was that good. Gary Oldman and Heath Ledger were great, and the latter's performance as the Joker was top-notch. Some would complain about the lack of Batarangs, but that would be nit-picking.
It may have been less fun-loving and more dark than Iron Man, but it was definitely a better movie.
Overall: 95/100
The Alternative: Battier than ever

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Faith Healing: Does it work? (Medical news)

Despite being up-to-date in medical news, I rarely see reports of medical miracles in the reports. Maybe it's something we just don't talk about. Some people argue that it that if God really heals, why don't amputees get their limbs back?

I had a similar line of thought, until I spoke with my editor, defensedefumer. He told me that God often heals though doctors and that His healing often gets to the root of the problem, rather than the problem itself. I have heard of cases where the deaf hear again, and the blind see again.

I was doubtful about this till I read "Alpha: Questions of Life" by Nicky Gumbel. There was a case where an woman's leg was not healed until she learnt to forgive. I begin to understand about that when Jesus, whose miracles were well documented sent out all his disciples to teach people to obey everything He had commanded them. This includes the healing bit.

Does faith healing work? Yes it does. Because I have seen it.

Dr. Storm

The Alternative: It rocks!

Faith Like a Child? (Philosophy)

Questioning authority seems to be a rather 'in' thing these days. It seems wise and funky to doubt, second-guess people or even challenge their knowledge.

Rarely, do we ever point the gun to our own head. If what we are doing selfish? Does it glorify ourselves at the expenese of others?

Furthermore, there is a time and place to question authority. For instance, it is just plain wrong to do it in the middle of an emergency!

Now, I'm not saying that question is bad, I'm just saying that more often than not, it is done at the wrong time, and we should first look at the mirror before we judge.

Sometimes, especially to those who loves us, we should not ask why, because we simply trust them, and that's all we need to know.

the 198

The Alternative: Not fearing to ask 'why?'