Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Theology 1.0: Theology shout outs in contemporary English

One of the interesting about looking at ancient myths from other cultures is to notice its reference to modern day cultures. After all, the shoe brand Nike is name after the Greek goddness of victory, and car brand Mazda is named after the God of the Zoroastrian religion.

In this post, I will list some of the common references.

Days of the week

Thursday is named after the Norse god of thunder, Thor. He is not the only one.

Wednesday is named after Odin, Tuesday after Tyr (god of war) and Friday after Freya (goddess of magic).


The planets are named after the Roman gods. Mars (god of war), Uranus (god of the sky), Neptune (god of the sea) and even Jupiter (god of lightning) are all examples.

Even our own planet Earth, is sometimes known as Gaia (Greek goddess of the land) or Terra (Roman goddess of land).


Some of the chemical elements are named after gods. Titanium was named after the Greek titans, and Selenium was named after Selene (Greek goddess of night).

As much as our world is secular, we owe much to our religious past.

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