Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Theology 1.0-- Who is Jesus

A big issue

This is one of the central issues of Christianity. Christians (like myself) view Jesus as God, many people view Jesus as a great moral teacher and yet there are few who said in Jesus was just a myth. For this post, I will be focusing almost exclusively on four Gospels of the New Testament, on why Christians believe that Jesus is God.

The God who was there

In the 2005 DVD The God Who Wasn't There, one of the interviewees asserts that the New Testament was made up details about Jesus as they were written as 'Gospels' as if the word 'Gospel' was just simply meant a religious text. However, that was not how the people of Ancient Rome would have understood it.

In the Mark 1:1, it makes it clear from the start. 'Gospel' simply meant good news. The Gospels were written to those who have not heard about Jesus. In essence, the four Gospels were saying to the suspicious of intent, that the Gospels' intent was good. And those who were skeptical of content, that the Gospels' content was news.

But of course, just because a text says that it is factual does not mean it is. I will probably cover the historical reliability of the New Testament in another post.

Evidence from Gospels

One of my Muslim friends pointed out that Jesus never directly said He is God in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and I agree. However, He does say and do other things that indicated He is.

Self-centred teaching

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)

Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty." (John 6:35)

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."(John 8:12)

As shown by three of the many passages, Jesus's teaching about God and spiritual needs focused on himself. He said to follow him was to follow God, to welcome him was to welcome God and to have seen him was to have seen God (Matthew 10:40; Mark 9:37; John 14:9). He focused on himself in his teaching as the way to salvation (reconciliation with God).

Indirect Claims

 Jesus claimed to be able to forgive sins (Mark 2:5) and judge the world (Matthew 25: 31-46). The Jews at that time would recognise these are attributes of God and actions only God can do.

Direct Claims

In Mark 8:27-30 and John 20:28  Peter and Thomas identified him as Christ and God respectively, and Jesus did not deny it. Even the Jews in Mark 2:7 said he was blaspheming, as no man should claimed to be God.

Lewis Trilemma

Provided that the four Gospels of the New Testament is reliable, I would conclude that Jesus did claim to be God. This does not mean he is. He could be lying, or honestly mistaken.


If he was lying, he was certainly not a great moral teacher, mainly because he would have pulled of the biggest fraud of all. He convinced many that he was God when he was not.


Well, if Jesus honestly thought he was God, but he wasn't, he would possibly be crazy. Because the things he did, consistently are reflected in the nature of God (as understood by the Jews based on the Old Testament).

In other words, I find it hard to conclude that from the New Testament that Jesus was simply a great moral teacher (Lewis, 1952).

Why Christians believe Jesus is probably God, not bad or mad

His teaching

His teaching, particularly the Sermon on the Mount are recognised by many, including Gandhi to great works. It would make little sense for a bad or mad person to be able come up with such teaching.

His character

Jesus was the type of person one would not descirbe as mad or bad. He showed great humility, but not weakness, joy but not wickedness, generousity but not self-pity. Even his enemies struggled to build a case against him (Matthew 26: 57-67; Matthew 27: 11-26)

His fulfilment of prohecy

Jesus fufilled over 300 Old Testament prohecies in his life and death. It would be difficult for even a smart con to manipulate the events of his birth and death. Isaiah 53 for instance predicted the manner of his death, while Micah predicted the manner of his birth.


In the light of this, I, like my Christian friends, come to the conclusion that Jesus is God.


Lewis, C.S. (1952) Mere Christianity

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