Guess what! You are the Peron of the Year for 2006! Congratulations! What do you get? Nothing. If you buy this issue, you will be able to see yourself in the cover. Wow! Isn't that amazing?
According to Time's managing editor Richard Stengel, he picked us because "If you choose an individual, you have to justify how that person affected millions of people, but if you choose millions of people, you don't have to justify it to anyone."
What a nice way of saying "I'm lazy to read what my reporters have to say about their picks". At least Defensedefumer listens to what I have to say. For the foreseeable future, that is.
I hate Time magazine. Despite setting itself out to be an international news magazine, its views tend to be very Americanized. For instance, when an American soldier got killed during the 2003 Iraq War, they labelled him as the first causalty of war. The fact that hundreds of Iraqi soldiers and civilians died beforehand was conviently ignored.
Natasha Romanov
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