Marvel Civil War
I admit it, unlike Defensedefumer, I think reading comics is a waste of time. Howver, Marvel Comics's "Civil War" Brings up very interesting ideas.
The story begins with the death of the New Warriors, an amateur superhero group and 800 civilians, due to a mishap. This results in public pressure for superheroes to register. This move is supported by Iron Man (Tony Stark), who believes that superheroes should be controlled and monitored. The anti-registration movement is led by Captain America, who insists that superheroes should be above such politics.
When registration is finally made law, the heroes are forced to combat each other. This brings up the following interesting ideas.
1) When is extremism justified?
2) Can disobeying the law ever be patriotic?
3) How far should be obey the government?
One thing's for sure, if you break the law, prepare for punishment.
the 198
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