Friday, July 30, 2010

My Confession: What type of Christian am I?

In simple terms...

I am just a follower of Jesus and His teachings. I guess that would make me mainstream Protestant. That said, I do consider the members of the Roman Catholic Church my fellow siblings-in-Christ.

The church I attend is Methodist, but I see only minor theological differences between that denomination and other mainstream Protestantism Chruches.


While I treat the Bible as inerrant Word of God and the only to Heaven is through Jesus, I heistate to call my self a Conservative Christian or an Evangelical Christian due to it is political and fundamentalist stereotyping (such as creationism, anti-abortion etc). I rather call myself an orthodox Christian (with a small 'o', lest I get mistaken for Greek Orthodox).


I believe Jesus came to die and rise again. In dying, He made us a way to allow us to reconcile with God. In rising, He showed that He was God, and had conquered death.

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